SocketWrench Control Properties  
Property Description
AdapterAddress Returns the IP address associated with the specified network adapter
AdapterCount Returns the number of available local and remote network adapters
AtMark A read-only property that returns True if the next receive will return urgent data
AutoResolve Determines if host names and addresses are automatically resolved
Backlog Gets and sets the number of client connections that may be queued by a listening socket
Blocking Gets and sets the blocking state of the control
Broadcast Determines if datagrams should be broadcast over the network
ByteOrder Gets and sets the byte order in which integer data will be written to and read from the socket
CertificateExpires Return the date and time that the server certificate expires
CertificateIssued Return the date and time that the server certificate was issued
CertificateIssuer Returns information about the organization that issued the server certificate
CertificateName Gets and sets the common name for the security certificate
CertificatePassword Gets and sets the password associated with the certificate
CertificateStatus Return the status of the server certificate
CertificateStore Gets and sets the name of the certificate store or file
CertificateSubject Returns information about the organization to which the server certificate was issued
CertificateUser Gets and sets the user that owns the client certificate
CipherStrength Return the length of the key used by the encryption algorithm
CodePage Gets and sets the code page used when reading and writing text
ExternalAddress Return the external IP address assigned to the local system
HashStrength Return the length of the message digest that was selected
HostAddress Gets and sets the IP address of the remote host
HostAlias Returns the aliases defined for the current hostname
HostFile Gets and sets the name of an alternate host file
HostName Gets and sets the name of the remote host
InLine Sets or returns if urgent data is received in-line with non-urgent data
Interval Gets and sets the number of milliseconds between calls to the control's timer event
IsBlocked Determine if the control is blocked performing an operation
IsClosed Determine if the connection has been closed by the remote host
IsConnected Determine if the control is connected to a remote host
IsInitialized Determine if the control has been initialized
IsListening Returns if the socket is listening for connections
IsReadable Determine if data can be read from the socket without blocking
IsWritable Determine if data can be written to the socket without blocking
KeepAlive Set or return if keep-alive packets are sent on a connected socket
LastError Gets and sets the last error that occurred on the control
LastErrorString Return a description of the last error that occurred
Linger Gets and sets the number of seconds to wait for the socket to close
LocalAddress Return the IP address of the local host
LocalName Return the name of the local host
LocalPort Gets and sets the port number for a local listening socket
NoDelay Enable or disable the Nagle algorithm
Options Gets and sets the options that are used in establishing a connection
PeerAddress Return the IP address of the remote peer
PeerName Return the name of the remote peer
PeerPort Return the port number of the remote connection or datagram
PhysicalAddress Return the MAC address for the local host's Ethernet or Token Ring adapter
Protocol Gets and sets the protocol that should be used to create the socket
RemotePort Gets and sets the port number for a remote connection
ReservedPort Set or return if a reserved local port number should be allocated
ReuseAddress Set or return if an address can be reused
Secure Set or return if a connection to the remote host is secure
SecureCipher Return the encryption algorithm used to establish a secure connection
SecureHash Return the message digest selected when establishing a secure connection
SecureKeyExchange Return the key exchange algorithm used to establish a secure connection
SecureProtocol Gets and sets the security protocol used to establish a secure connection
ThrowError Enable or disable error handling by the container of the control
Timeout Gets and sets the amount of time until a blocking operation fails
Trace Enable or disable socket function level tracing
TraceFile Specify the socket function trace output file
TraceFlags Gets and sets the socket function tracing flags
Urgent Send or receive urgent data
Version Return the current version of the object