Secure Shell Protocol Control Properties  
Property Description
AutoResolve Determines if host names and IP addresses are automatically resolved
Blocking Gets and sets the blocking state of the control
CipherStrength Return the length of the key used by the encryption algorithm
CodePage Gets and sets the code page used when reading and writing text
Columns Gets and sets the number of columns for the virtual terminal session
Command Gets and sets the command that will be executed on the server
ExitCode Return the exit code from the command executed on the server
Fingerprint Returns a string that uniquely identifies the server
HashStrength Return the length of the message digest that was selected
HostAddress Gets and sets the IP address of the server
HostName Gets and sets the name of the server
IsBlocked Return if the control is blocked performing an operation
IsConnected Determine if the control is connected to a server
IsInitialized Determine if the control has been initialized
IsReadable Return if data can be read from the server without blocking
IsWritable Return if data can be sent to the server without blocking
KeepAlive Gets and sets a value which determines if the client session should kept active
LastError Gets and sets the last error that occurred on the control
LastErrorString Return a description of the last error to occur
NewLine Gets and sets the end-of-line character sequences sent to the server
Options Gets and sets the options that are used in establishing a connection
Password Gets and sets the password used to authenticate the client session
PrivateKey Gets and sets the name of the private key file used to authenticate the client session
ProxyHost Gets and sets the hostname or IP address for the proxy server
ProxyPassword Gets and sets the password that will be used to authenticate the proxy connection
ProxyPort Gets and sets the port number for the proxy server
ProxyType Gets and sets the type of proxy server the connection will be established through
ProxyUser Gets and sets the user name that will be used to authenticate the proxy connection
RemotePort Gets and sets the port number for a remote connection
Rows Gets and sets the number of rows for the virtual terminal session
Secure Set or return if a connection to the server is secure
SecureCipher Return the encryption algorithm used to establish the secure connection with the server
SecureHash Return the message digest selected when establishing the secure connection with the server
SecureKeyExchange Return the key exchange algorithm used to establish the secure connection with the server
SecureProtocol Gets and sets the security protocol used to establish the secure connection with the server
Terminal Gets and sets the terminal type used by the control
ThrowError Enable or disable error handling by the container of the control
Timeout Gets and sets the amount of time until a blocking operation fails
Trace Enable or disable socket function level tracing
TraceFile Specify the socket function trace output file
TraceFlags Gets and sets the socket function tracing flags
UserName Gets and sets the current user name used to authenticate the client session
Version Return the current version of the object