Terminal Property  

Determine if a terminal window is displayed during the connection process.


[form].object.Terminal [= value ]


The Terminal property array is used to control if a terminal window is displayed during the dial-up networking connection process. The property may be set to one of the following values:

Value Description
0 No terminal window is displayed
1 Terminal window is displayed before dialing
2 Terminal window is displayed after dialing. Do not use if scripting has been enabled.
3 Terminal window is display before and after dialing. Do not use if scripting has been enabled.

The terminal window can be used to allow user input before and/or after the dial-up networking connection has been established. If scripting has been enabled by setting the ScriptFile property, no terminal window should be displayed after the connection. This is because scripting has it's own terminal implementation.

Note that this property is only supported on Windows NT 4.0 and later versions of the operating system. Displaying a terminal window also imposes several restrictions on the behavior of the control. Because of how the Remote Access Services API is implemented by Microsoft, a connection dialog will be displayed after the Connect method is called if the Terminal property is non-zero. Setting this property to a non-zero value will also disable any asynchronous event notifications. It is not recommended that you set this property unless it is absolutely necessary.

Data Type

Integer (Int32)

See Also

ScriptFile Property, Connect Method