State Property  

Return the current status of the control.




This read-only property returns the status of the control. It may be one of the following values:

Value Constant Description
-1 rasStatusUnused No connection has been established
0 rasStatusOpenPort The communications port is about to be opened
1 rasStatusPortOpened The communications port has been opened
2 rasStatusConnectDevice A device is about to be connected
3 rasStatusDeviceConnected A device has been connected successfully
4 rasStatusAllDevicesConnected All devices have been connected
5 rasStatusAuthenticate Authenticating username and password
6 rasStatusAuthNotify An authentication event has occurred
7 rasStatusAuthRetry Requesting authentication with new credentials
8 rasStatusAuthCallback The server has requested a callback number
9 rasStatusAuthChangePassword The user has requested to change the password
10 rasStatusAuthProject Registering computer on the network
11 rasStatusAuthLinkSpeed The link speed calculation phase is starting
12 rasStatusAuthAck An authentication request is being acknowledged
13 rasStatusReAuthenticate Authenticating username and password
14 rasStatusAuthenticated The user has been authenticated
15 rasStatusPrepareForCallback The line is about to be disconnected in preparation for callback
16 rasStatusWaitForModemReset The modem is resetting itself in preparation for callback
17 rasStatusWaitForCallback Waiting for callback from server
18 rasStatusProjected Protocol specific information has been negotiated
19 rasStatusStartAuthentication User authentication is being initiated
20 rasStatusCallbackComplete Callback completed and resuming authentication
21 rasStatusLogonNetwork Logging on to the network
22 rasStatusSubEntryConnected A subentry has been connected
23 rasStatusSubEntryDisconnected A subentry has been disconnected
4096 rasStatusInteractive Initiating interactive login session
4097 rasStatusRetryAuthentication Retrying user authentication
4098 rasStatusCallbackSetByCaller Callback has been set by caller
4099 rasStatusPasswordExpired Password has expired
8192 rasStatusConnected Connected to server
8193 rasStatusDisconnected Disconnected from server

Data Type

Integer (Int32)

See Also

AutoConnect Property, AutoDisconnect Property, Interval Property, IsConnected Property, OnStatus Event