Network News Transfer Protocol Control Methods  
Method Description
Authenticate Authenticate the client session
Cancel Cancels the current blocking network operation
CloseArticle Closes the current article that has been opened or created
Command Send a custom command to the server
Connect Establish a connection with a server
CreateArticle Creates a new article in the current newsgroup
Disconnect Terminate the connection with a server
GetArticle Retrieve a article from the server
GetFirstArticle Return the first available article in the currently selected newsgroup
GetFirstGroup Return the first available newsgroup from the server
GetHeaders Retrieves the headers for the specified article from the server
GetNextArticle Return the next available article in the currently selected newsgroup
GetNextGroup Return the next available newsgroup from the server
Initialize Initialize the control and validate the runtime license key
ListArticles Return a list of articles in the current newsgroup
ListGroups Return a list of newsgroups available on the server
OpenArticle Opens the specified article in the currently selected newsgroup
PostArticle Post a new article to the current newsgroup
Read Return data read from the server
Reset Reset the internal state of the control
SelectGroup Selects the specified newsgroup as the current newsgroup
StoreArticle Retrieve an article from the current newsgroup and store it in a local file
Uninitialize Uninitialize the control and release any system resources that were allocated
Write Write data to the server