GetNextArticle Method  

Return information about the next article available in the current newsgroup.


object.GetNextArticle( Article, [Subject], [Author], [Posted], [MessageId], [References], [ByteCount], [LineCount] )


An integer value which specifies the article ID. This is the number that should be used to access the article on the server. This parameter is required and must be passed by reference.
An optional string which specifies the subject of the article. This parameter must be passed by reference, or it may be omitted if the program does not require this information.
An optional string which specifies the author of the article. This is typically the name and email address of the user who posted the article. This parameter must be passed by reference, or it may be omitted if the program does not require this information.
An optional string which specifies the date that the article was posted. This parameter must be passed by reference, or it may be omitted if the program does not require this information.
An optional string which specifies the message ID for the article. Although it is more common to reference an article by number, it is possible to reference an article by its message ID. To select a message by its message ID string, set the MessageID property. This parameter must be passed by reference, or it may be omitted if the program does not require this information.
An optional string which specifies references to the article. This can be used by an application to create a list of cross references to the article so that related threads can be provided to the user. This parameter must be passed by reference, or it may be omitted if the program does not require this information.
An optional integer value which specifies the size of the message in bytes. This parameter must be passed by reference, or it may be omitted if the program does not require this information.
An optional integer value which specifies the number of lines of text in the message. This parameter must be passed by reference, or it may be omitted if the program does not require this information.

Return Value

A value of true is returned if the operation was successful, otherwise a return value of false indicates that there are no more articles available in the currently selected newsgroup.


The GetNextArticle method returns information about the next available article in the currently selected newsgroup. This method is used in conjunction with the GetFirstArticle method to enumerate all of the articles in the newsgroup. Typically this is used to provide the user with a list of articles to access.

While the articles in the newsgroup are being listed, the client cannot retrieve the contents of a specific article. For example, the GetArticle method cannot be called while inside a loop calling GetNextArticle. The client should store those articles which it wants to retrieve in an array, and then once all of the articles have been listed, it can begin calling GetArticle for each article number to retrieve the article text.

A program should use either the ListArticles method or the GetFirstArticle and GetNextArticle methods, but never in combination with one another.


Dim nArticleId As Long
Dim strSubject As String
Dim strAuthor As String
Dim datePosted As Date
Dim strMessageId As String
Dim strReferences As String
Dim nByteCount As Long
Dim nLineCount As Long
Dim bResult As Boolean;

' List each article in the current newsgroup, adding the subject to
' a ListBox control
bResult = NntpClient1.GetFirstArticle(nArticleId, strSubject, strAuthor, _
    datePosted, strMessageId, strReferences, _
    nByteCount, nLineCount);

Do While bResult
    List1.AddItem strSubject
    List1.ItemData(List1.NewIndex) = nArticleId

    bResult = NntpClient1.GetNextArticle(nArticleId, strSubject, strAuthor, _
        datePosted, strMessageId, strReferences, _
        nByteCount, nLineCount);
End Do

See Also

Article Property, MessageID Property, GetFirstArticle Method, ListArticles Method,