Mail Message Control Properties  
Property Description
AllHeaders Returns the complete RFC 822 header values for the current message
AllRecipients Returns a comma-separated list of all message recipients
Attachment Gets and sets the name of the current file attachment
Bcc Gets and sets the blind carbon-copy header field value
Boundary Returns the boundary string used to separate parts in a multipart message
Cc Gets and sets the carbon-copy header field value
ContentID Return the content identifier for the selected message part
ContentLength Returns the size of the data stored in the selected message part
ContentType Gets and sets the content type of the selected message part
Date Gets and sets the date for the current message
Encoding Gets and sets the content encoding method used for the current message part
From Gets and sets the address of the user who sent the message
HeaderField Gets and sets the current header field name
HeaderValue Gets and sets the value of the specified header field
LastError Gets and sets the last error that occurred on the control
LastErrorString Return a description of the last error to occur
Localize Enable or disable message localization
Mailer Gets and sets the name of the mailer application
Message Gets and sets the current message headers and body
MessageID Return the current message identifier
MimeVersion Gets and sets the MIME version number for the current message
Organization Gets and sets the name of the organization that originated the message
Part Gets and sets the current message part
PartCount Return the number of parts in the current message
Priority Gets and sets the current message priority
Recipient Returns the address of a message recipient
Recipients Returns the number of recipients specified in the current message
ReplyTo Gets and sets the address of the user who should receive replies to this message
SelLength Gets and sets the current message body text selection length
SelStart Gets and sets the starting position of the current message body text selection
SelText Gets and sets the selected message body text
Sender Gets and sets the address of the user who originated the message
StoreCount Gets the number of messages in the current storage file, not including deleted messages
StoreFile Gets and sets the name of the file used to store messages
StoreIndex Gets and sets the current message index for the current storage file
StoreSize Gets the total number of messages in the current storage file, including deleted messages
Subject Gets and sets the subject of the current message
ThrowError Enable or disable error handling by the container of the control
TimeZone Gets and sets the current timezone offset in seconds
Text Gets and sets the body of the current message part
To Gets and sets the address of the message recipient
Version Return the current version of the object