ExtractAllFiles Method  

Extract all file attachments from the current message, storing them in the specified directory.


object.ExtractAllFiles( [Directory] )


An optional string that specifies the name of the directory where the file attachments should be stored. If this parameter is omitted or points to an empty string, the attached files will be stored in the current working directory on the local system.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, the return value is the number of file attachments which were extracted from the current message. If the message does not contain any file attachments, this method will return a value of zero. If the method fails, the return value is -1. To get extended error information, check the value of the LastError property.


This method will extract all of the files that are attached to the current message and store them in the specified directory. The directory must exist and the current user must have the appropriate permissions to create files there. If a file with the same name as the attachment already exists, it will be overwritten with the contents of the attachment. If the file attachment was encoded using base64 or uuencode, this method will automatically decode the contents of the attachment.

To store a file attachment on the local system using a name that is different than the file name of the attachment, use the ExtractFile method.

See Also

Attachment Property, AttachData Method, AttachFile Method, ExtractFile Method