Internet Mail Control Properties  
Property Description
AllHeaders Returns the complete RFC 822 header values for the current message
AllRecipients Returns a comma-separated list of all message recipients
Attachment Return the name of the attached file in the current message part
Bcc Gets and sets the list of addresses that should receive a blind copy of the current message
BearerToken Gets and sets the OAuth 2.0 bearer token used for authentication
Cc Gets and sets the list of addresses that should receive a copy of the current message
CertificateExpires Return the date and time that the server certificate expires
CertificateIssued Return the date and time that the server certificate was issued
CertificateIssuer Returns information about the organization that issued the server certificate
CertificateName Gets and sets the common name for the client certificate
CertificatePassword Gets and sets the password associated with the client certificate
CertificateStatus Return the status of the server certificate
CertificateStore Gets and sets the name of the client certificate store or file
CertificateSubject Returns information about the organization to which the server certificate was issued
CertificateUser Gets and sets the user that owns the client certificate
CipherStrength Return the length of the key used by the encryption algorithm
ContentID Gets and sets the content identifier for the selected message part
ContentLength Returns the size of the data stored in the selected message part
ContentType Gets and sets the content type of the selected message part
Date Gets and sets the date for the current message
Domain Gets and sets the local domain name
Encoding Gets and sets the content encoding for the current message part
From Gets and sets the address of the person who sent the message
HashStrength Return the length of the message digest that was selected
IsBlocked Determine if the control is blocked performing an operation
IsConnected Determine if the control is connected to a server
IsInitialized Determine if the control has been initialized
IsInitialized Determine if the control has been initialized
LastError Gets and sets the last error code
LastErrorString Return a description of the last error that occurred
LastMessage Return the number of the last message available on the server
Localize Enable or disable message localization
Mailbox Returns the name of the specified mailbox from a list of mailboxes on the server
Mailboxes Returns the number of mailboxes available on the server
MailboxFlags Returns one or more flags which identify characteristics of the current mailbox
MailboxName Gets and sets the name of the current mailbox
MailboxSize Return the size of the current mailbox in bytes
MailboxUID Returns the unique identifier for the current mailbox
Mailer Gets and sets the name of the mailer application
Message Gets and sets the current message headers and text
MessageCount Return the number of messages available on the server
MessageFlags Returns one or more flags which identify characteristics of the current message
MessageID Return a unique identifier for the current message
MessageIndex Gets and sets the current message number on the server
MessagePart Gets and sets the current part in a multipart message
MessageParts Return the number of parts in the current message
MessageSize Return the size of the current message in bytes
MessageText Return or change the text in the current message part
MessageUID Return the UID for the current message on the mail server
NameServer Gets and sets the Internet address for a nameserver
NewMessages Return the number of new messages available in the current mailbox
Organization Return or change the name of the organization that created the message
Password Gets and sets the password for the current user
Priority Gets and sets the current message priority
RecentMessages Returns the number of messages which have recently arrived in the mailbox
Recipient Return the address of a message recipient
Recipients Return the number of recipients for the current message
RelayServer Gets and sets the host name or address of a relay server
RelayPort Gets and sets the port number for the specified relay server
ReplyTo Gets and sets the address of the person who should receive replies to this message
ReturnReceipt Gets and sets the address of the person who should receive a message indicating that the message has been read
Secure Specify if a connection to the server is secure
SecureCipher Return the encryption algorithm used to establish the secure connection with the server
SecureHash Return the message digest selected when establishing the secure connection with the server
SecureKeyExchange Return the key exchange algorithm used to establish the secure connection with the server
SecureProtocol Gets and sets the security protocol used to establish the secure connection with the server
ServerName Gets and sets the host name of the current mail server
ServerPort Gets and sets the port number for the current mail server
Subject Gets and sets the subject of the current message
ThrowError Enable or disable error handling by the container of the control
Timeout Gets and sets the amount of time until a blocking network operation is aborted
TimeZone Gets and sets the current timezone offset in seconds
To Gets and sets the recipient of the current message
Trace Enable or disable network function level tracing
TraceFile Return or specify the network function trace output file
TraceFlags Gets and sets the current network function tracing flags
UnreadMessages Returns the number of unread messages in the current mailbox
UserName Gets and sets the current user name
Version Return the current version of the object