Internet Mail Control Error Codes  
Value Constant Description
10001 mailErrorNotHandleOwner Handle not owned by the current thread
10002 mailErrorFileNotFound The specified file or directory does not exist
10003 mailErrorFileNotCreated The specified file could not be created
10004 mailErrorOperationCanceled The blocking operation has been canceled
10005 mailErrorInvalidFileType The specified file is a block or character device, not a regular file
10006 mailErrorInvalidDevice The specified device or address does not exist
10007 mailErrorTooManyParameters The maximum number of function parameters has been exceeded
10008 mailErrorInvalidFileName The specified file name contains invalid characters or is too long
10009 mailErrorInvalidFileHandle Invalid file handle passed to function
10010 mailErrorFileReadFailed Unable to read data from the specified file
10011 mailErrorFileWriteFailed Unable to write data to the specified file
10012 mailErrorOutOfMemory Out of memory
10013 mailErrorAccessDenied Access denied
10014 mailErrorInvalidParameter Invalid argument passed to function
10015 mailErrorClipboardUnavailable The system clipboard is currently unavailable
10016 mailErrorClipboardEmpty The system clipboard is empty or does not contain any text data
10017 mailErrorFileEmpty The specified file does not contain any data
10018 mailErrorFileExists The specified file already exists
10019 mailErrorEndOfFile End of file
10020 mailErrorDeviceNotFound The specified device could not be found
10021 mailErrorDirectoryNotFound The specified directory could not be found
10022 mailErrorInvalidBuffer Invalid memory address passed to function
10024 mailErrorNoHandles No more handles available to this process
10035 mailErrorOperationWouldBlock The specified operation would block the current thread
10036 mailErrorOperationInProgress A blocking operation is currently in progress
10037 mailErrorAlreadyInProgress The specified operation is already in progress
10038 mailErrorInvalidHandle Invalid handle passed to function
10039 mailErrorInvalidAddress Invalid network address specified
10040 mailErrorInvalidSize Datagram is too large to fit in specified buffer
10041 mailErrorInvalidProtocol Invalid network protocol specified
10042 mailErrorProtocolNotAvailable The specified network protocol is not available
10043 mailErrorProtocolNotSupported The specified protocol is not supported
10044 mailErrorSocketNotSupported The specified socket type is not supported
10045 mailErrorInvalidOption The specified option is invalid
10046 mailErrorProtocolFamily The specified protocol family is not supported
10047 mailErrorProtocolAddress The specified address is invalid for this protocol family
10048 mailErrorAddressInUse The specified address is in use by another process
10049 mailErrorAddressUnavailable The specified address cannot be assigned
10050 mailErrorNetworkUnavailable The networking subsystem is unavailable
10051 mailErrorNetworkUnreachable The specified network is unreachable
10052 mailErrorNetworkReset Network dropped connection on reset
10053 mailErrorConnectionAborted Connection was aborted due to timeout or other failure
10054 mailErrorConnectionReset Connection was reset by remote network
10055 mailErrorOutOfBuffers No buffer space is available
10056 mailErrorAlreadyConnected Connection already established with server
10057 mailErrorNotConnected No connection established with server
10058 mailErrorConnectionShutdown Unable to send or receive data after connection shutdown
10060 mailErrorOperationTimeout The specified operation has timed out
10061 mailErrorConnectionRefused The connection has been refused by the server
10064 mailErrorHostUnavailable The specified host is unavailable
10065 mailErrorHostUnreachable The specified host is unreachable
10067 mailErrorTooManyProcesses Too many processes are using the networking subsystem
10091 mailErrorNetworkNotReady Network subsystem is not ready for communication
10092 mailErrorInvalidVersion This version of the operating system is not supported
10093 mailErrorNetworkNotInitialized The networking subsystem has not been initialized
10101 mailErrorRemoteShutdown The server has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence
11001 mailErrorInvalidHostName The specified hostname is invalid or could not be resolved
11002 mailErrorHostNameNotFound The specified hostname could not be found
11003 mailErrorHostNameRefused Unable to resolve hostname, request refused
11004 mailErrorHostNameNotResolved Unable to resolve hostname, no address for specified host
12001 mailErrorInvalidLicense The license for this product is invalid
12002 mailErrorProductNotLicensed This product is not licensed to perform this operation
12003 mailErrorNotImplemented This function has not been implemented on this platform
12004 mailErrorUnknownLocalHost Unable to determine local host name
12005 mailErrorInvalidHostAddress Invalid host address specified
12006 mailErrorInvalidServicePort Invalid service port number specified
12007 mailErrorInvalidServiceName Invalid or unknown service name specified
12008 mailErrorInvalidEventId Invalid event identifier specified
12009 mailErrorOperationNotBlocking No blocking operation in progress on this socket
12101 mailErrorSecurityNotInitialized Unable to initialize security interface for this process
12102 mailErrorSecurityContext Unable to establish security context for this session
12103 mailErrorSecurityCredentials Unable to open client certificate store or establish client credentials
12104 mailErrorSecurityCertificate Unable to validate the certificate chain for this session
12105 mailErrorSecurityDecryption Unable to decrypt data stream
12106 mailErrorSecurityEncryption Unable to encrypt data stream
12201 mailErrorOperationNotSupported The specified operation is not supported
12202 mailErrorInvalidProtocolVersion Invalid application protocol version specified
12203 mailErrorNoServerResponse No data returned from server
12204 mailErrorInvalidServerResponse Invalid data returned from server
12205 mailErrorUnexpectedServerResponse Unexpected response code returned from server
12206 mailErrorServerTransactionFailed Server transaction failed
12207 mailErrorServiceUnavailable The service is currently unavailable
12208 mailErrorServiceNotReady The service is not ready, try again later
12209 mailErrorServerResyncFailed Unable to resynchronize with server
12210 mailErrorInvalidProxyType Invalid proxy server type specified
12211 mailErrorProxyRequired Resource must be accessed through specified proxy
12212 mailErrorInvalidProxyLogin Unable to login to proxy server using specified credentials
12213 mailErrorProxyResyncFailed Unable to resynchronize with proxy server
12214 mailErrorInvalidCommand Invalid command specified
12215 mailErrorInvalidCommandParameter Invalid command parameter specified
12216 mailErrorInvalidCommandSequence Invalid command sequence specified
12217 mailErrorCommandNotImplemented Specified command not implemented on this server
12218 mailErrorCommandNotAuthorized Specified command not authorized for the current user
12219 mailErrorCommandAborted Specified command was aborted by the server
12220 mailErrorOptionNotSupported The specified option is not supported on this server
12221 mailErrorRequestNotCompleted The current client request has not been completed
12222 mailErrorInvalidUsername The specified username is invalid
12223 mailErrorInvalidPassword The specified password is invalid
12224 mailErrorInvalidAccount The specified account name is invalid
12225 mailErrorAccountRequired Account name has not been specified
12226 mailErrorInvalidAuthenticationType Invalid authentication protocol specified
12227 mailErrorAuthenticationRequired User authentication is required
12228 mailErrorProxyAuthenticationRequired Proxy authentication required
12229 mailErrorAlreadyAuthenticated User has already been authenticated
12230 mailErrorAuthenticationFailed Unable to authenticate the specified user
12251 mailErrorNetworkAdapter Unable to determine network adapter configuration
12252 mailErrorInvalidRecordType Invalid record type specified
12253 mailErrorInvalidRecordName Invalid record name specified
12254 mailErrorInvalidRecordData Invalid record data specified
12255 mailErrorConnectionOpen Data connection already established
12256 mailErrorConnectionClosed Server closed data connection
12257 mailErrorConnectionPassive Data connection is passive
12258 mailErrorConnectionFailed Unable to open data connection to server
12259 mailErrorInvalidSecurityLevel Data connection cannot be opened with this security setting
12260 mailErrorCachedTlsRequired Data connection requires cached tls session
12261 mailErrorDataReadOnly Data connection is read-only
12262 mailErrorDataWriteOnly Data connection is write-only
12263 mailErrorEndOfData End of data
12264 mailErrorRemoteFileUnavailable Remote file is unavailable
12265 mailErrorInsufficientStorage Insufficient storage on server
12266 mailErrorStorageAllocation File exceeded storage allocation on server
12267 mailErrorDirectoryExists The specified directory already exists
12268 mailErrorDirectoryEmpty No files returned by the server for the specified directory
12269 mailErrorEndOfDirectory End of directory listing
12270 mailErrorUnknownDirectoryFormat Unknown directory format
12271 mailErrorInvalidResource Invalid resource name specified
12272 mailErrorResourceRedirected The specified resource has been redirected
12273 mailErrorResourceRestricted Access to this resource has been restricted
12274 mailErrorResourceNotModified The specified resource has not been modified
12275 mailErrorResourceNotFound The specified resource cannot be found
12276 mailErrorResourceConflict Request could not be completed due to the current state of the resource
12277 mailErrorResourceRemoved The specified resource has been permanently removed from this server
12278 mailErrorContentLengthRequired Request must include the content length
12279 mailErrorRequestPrecondition Request could not be completed due to server precondition
12280 mailErrorUnsupportedMediaType Request specified an unsupported media type
12281 mailErrorInvalidContentRange Content range specified for this resource is invalid
12282 mailErrorInvalidMessagePart Message is not multipart or an invalid message part was specified
12283 mailErrorInvalidMessageHeader The specified message header is invalid or has not been defined
12284 mailErrorInvalidMessageBoundary The multipart message boundary has not been defined
12285 mailErrorNoFileAttachment The current message part does not contain a file attachment
12286 mailErrorUnknownFileType The specified file type could not be determined
12287 mailErrorDataNotEncoded The specified data block could not be encoded
12288 mailErrorDataNotDecoded The specified data block could not be decoded
12289 mailErrorFileNotEncoded The specified file could not be encoded
12290 mailErrorFileNotDecoded The specified file could not be decoded
12291 mailErrorNoMessageText No message text
12292 mailErrorInvalidCharacterSet Invalid character set specified
12293 mailErrorInvalidEncodingType Invalid encoding type specified
12294 mailErrorInvalidMessageNumber Invalid message number specified
12295 mailErrorNoReturnAddress No valid return address specified
12296 mailErrorNoValidRecipients No valid recipients specified
12297 mailErrorInvalidRecipient The specified recipient address is invalid
12298 mailErrorRelayNotAuthorized The specified domain is invalid or server will not relay messages
12299 mailErrorMailboxUnavailable Specified mailbox is currently unavailable
12300 mailErrorMailboxReadonly The selected mailbox cannot be modified
12301 mailErrorMailboxNotSelected No mailbox has been selected
12302 mailErrorInvalidMailbox Specified mailbox is invalid
12303 mailErrorInvalidDomain The specified domain name is invalid or not recognized
12304 mailErrorInvalidSender The specified sender address is invalid or not recognized
12305 mailErrorMessageNotDelivered Message not delivered to any of the specified recipients
12306 mailErrorEndOfMessageData No more message data available to be read
12307 mailErrorInvalidMessageSize The specified message size is invalid
12308 mailErrorMessageNotCreated The message could not be created in the specified mailbox
12309 mailErrorNoMoreMailboxes No more mailboxes exist on this server
12329 mailErrorInvalidDateFormat The specified date format is not recognized
12330 mailErrorFeatureNotSupported The specified feature is not supported on this server
12346 mailErrorNoMessageStore No message store has been specified
12347 mailErrorMessageStoreChanged The message store has changed since it was last accessed
12348 mailErrorMessageNotFound No message was found that matches the specified criteria
12349 mailErrorMessageDeleted The specified message has been deleted